Servicio Ejecutivo de la Comisión de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales e Infracciones Monetarias
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Activity data
Summary of the activities carried out by Sepblac in the exercise of its functions as Financial Intelligence Unit and Supervisory Authority in relation to the prevention of money laundering.
Recommendations regarding internal control measures and catalogues of risk transactions intended for those obliged subjects referred to in Law 10/2010 of 28 April.
RSS feeds
Keep aware of the latest news of the Sepblac website and receive periodic reminders on your email or RSS reader or aggregator for the fulfilment of your obligations.
International cooperation
International cooperation regarding information exchanges with financial intelligence units and supervisory policies with other foreign competent authorities.
Frequent asked questions
Answers to a selection of the most frequent questions posed by obliged subjects and external experts in relation to some of their obligations.
Frequent formalitiesRSS feeds
Obliged subjects
Suspicious transactions reporting
Procedure for communicating acts or transactions regarding which there be any indication or certainty of bearing a relation to money laundering or terrorist financing.
Obliged subjects
Procedure for the regular communication of transactions referred to in article 20 of Law 10/2010 of 28 April and its implementing regulations.
Obliged subjects
Appointment of a representative
Procedure for the appointment of an interlocutor to Sepblac, responsible for the fulfilment of reporting obligations.
External experts
Procedure for notifying Sepblac the intention of acting as an external expert before commencing the activity as so.