Webinar Announcement: “Approach to updating the National Risk Assessment for AML/CFT” that will take place on May 31


The Ministry of Economy, Commerce, and Business, along with the Spanish Treasury, organizes a webinar with the aim of disseminating threats, vulnerabilities, and potential risks, and helping the main actors, both the public and private sectors, to establish mitigating measures to prevent money laundering and monetary violations and avoiding possible financing of terrorism.

This webinar, which will be held next Friday, May 31, 2024, will start with a presentation of the update of the National Risk Assessment (NRA), approved on April 5, 2024 by the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses (CPMLMO).

Following that, there will be a round table discussion on the detection, analysis, and concretion of AML/CFT/PF risks, where representatives of the intelligence units who contributed in the preparation of the National Risk Assessment (NRA) will participate to present its main findings. Among them will be members from Sepblac (Executive Service of the Anti-Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses Prevention Commission), CITCO (Intelligence Center against Terrorism and Organized Crime), as well as different units from the National Police and the Civil Guard.

The event will take place only in Spanish from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and registration is required through this link.

You can download the webinar program here.

You can find here a  link to the webinar´s video (in Spanish only).

Webinar Announcement: “Approach to updating the National Risk Assessment for AML/CFT” that will take place on May 31