
Organizational structure

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Sepblac’s current organizational structure has been approved by Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences of 17th October 2023. Attached to the Management, consisting on a Director and a Deputy director, there are 3 Units that provide cross-functional and 4 Divisions (2 Divisions of Financial Intelligence (Operative and Strategical, that includes the international cooperation on intelligence issues) and 2 Divisions of Inspection (where the functions of Technical Secretariat and international cooperation as supervisory authority are integrated). Each Division has 2 Units.

Additionally, three attached Units – the Central Financial Intelligence Brigade of Policia Nacional, the Investigation Unit of Guardia Civil and the Unit of the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT, by its initials in Spanish)- functionally report to the Management, that also receives technical support from the IT Services Unit of Banco de España.

In addition to the hierarchical structure, Sepblac has established a horizontal structure to coordinate and integrate its functions, which is articulated through a Steering Committee and two Commissions.