Consultation and accessing
Unofficial translation provided for information purposes.
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When investigating crimes related to money laundering or terrorist financing, the examining judges, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and, upon judicial authorization or that of the Public Prosecutor, the authorised bodies may obtain information reported to the Centralized Banking Account Register (FTF, from its initials in Spanish), in accordance with article 43.3 of Law 10/2010, of 28 April, on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
Any request for access to the data in the Centralized Banking Account Register (FTF) must be duly motivated by the requesting body, which shall be responsible for the regularity of the request. Under no circumstances may access to the FTF be requested for purposes other than those envisaged in this article.
Data requests
Data requests from the FTF shall necessarily be filed through the specific access points (PUA, from its initials in Spanish) designated for that purpose in the authorised bodies.
Likewise, Sepblac may consult data in the FTF in the performance of its functions.
Each PUA must keep a detailed record of filed requests, specifying the identity of the applicant authority or official and the reason of the request.
Data requests from the FTF must identify the person or account number which information is requested. Generic searches o searches by approximation shall not be allowed.
The information requirements for the requests are precisely established on Instruction of 2 July 2015 by the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support, on establishing the minimum requirements that must be fulfilled by data requests from the Centralized Banking Account Register through the specific access points.
- In Spanish only. Instrucción de 2 de julio de 2015, de la Secretaría de Estado de Economía y Apoyo a la Empresa, por la que se establecen los requisitos mínimos que deben cumplir las solicitudes de datos del Fichero de Titularidades Financieras, efectuadas a través de los puntos únicos de acceso.
Accessing procedure
Accesses and queries on the data included in the FTF must be done by using electronic means. These same means will be used to communicate the search results.
All queries and accesses to the content of the FTF are made through Red Sara under the Plataforma de Intermediación. It is a necessary condition, on behalf of PUAs, to have a properly enabled and configured connection to the former.