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Communication of the intention of acting as an external expert
Formality description
Article 28 of Law 10/2010 of 28 April on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing establishes that, exceptions in the regulations aside, the internal control measures adopted by obliged subjects must be subject to an annual examination by an external expert.
Likewise, those intending to act as an external expert must notify it to Sepblac before commencing their activity.
Target audience
Those intending to act as an external expert in accordance with the terms provided in article 28 of Law 10/2010 of 28 April.
In person / By post
Those intending to act as an external expert must send to Sepblac the following documentation in hard copy:
- Form F22-7 “Comunicación de actuación como experto externo” duly completed and signed by the person intending to act as an external expert.
The required documentation must be submitted in hard copy to the following address:
Calle Alcalá, 48
28014 Madrid Spain
Alternatively, these documents can be directly presented to the General Registry of the Bank of Spain, located in the aforementioned address.
Submission deadline
Those intending to act as an external expert shall, in any case, notify it to Sepblac before commencing their activity.