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- In Spanish only. Guía de cumplimiento de las obligaciones de diligencia debida en relación con los fideicomisos anglosajones (trusts) y otros instrumentos jurídicos similaresDocument that provides guidance to obliged subjects on due diligence obligations to be applied in business relations or transactions with trusts. It includes an exemplary list of the indicators that obliged subjects should consider when assessing the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing associated to business relations or transactions with trusts.
- In Spanish only. Buenas prácticas. Aplicación de listas de personas y entidades sujetas a sanciones y contramedidas financieras internacionalesDocument that contains a series of good practices and recommendations for the practical application of lists of sanctions and international financial countermeasures, applicable both to clients and to the people with whom operations are carried out.
- In Spanish only. Corrupción en las actividades económicas internacionales. Indicadores de riesgoDocument that includes risk indicators in order to facilitate obliged subjects the compliance of obligations regarding corruption in international economic activities referred to in Law 10/2010, of April 28.
- In Spanish only. Guía orientativa para los organismos que deben velar para que fundaciones y asociaciones no sean utilizadas para el blanqueo de capitales y la financición del terrorismoDocument produced by Sepblac aimed at providing guidance to the institutions legaly responsible for the supervision of regulatory compliance regarding prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.