
Commission on the Prevention of Money Laudering and Monetary Offences

Unofficial translation provided for information purposes.

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Catalogues of risk transactions

  • Credit Institutions SectorCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by credit institutions when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • Insurance Entities and Brokers SectorCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by insurance entities and professionals when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • Payment Institutions, Currency Exchange or Giro and Transfer SectorCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by payment institutions, currency exchange or giro or transfer activities when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • In Spanish only. Sectores profesionales: notarios, registradores, abogados, auditores y otros profesionalesCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by professionals included as obliged subjects in Law 10/2010 of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • Investment Services FirmsCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by investment firms and collective investment management companies when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • In Spanish only. Sector de promoción inmobiliaria, agencia, comisión o intermediación en la compraventa de inmueblesCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by property developers and persons whose business activities include those of agency, commission or brokerage in real state trading when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • In Spanish only. Sectores de joyería, piedras y metales preciosos, arte y antigüedadesCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by professional dealers in jewels, precious stones or metals, works of art or antiques when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.
  • In Spanish only. Sector de casinos de juegoCatalogue of transactions containing behaviors or patterns to be taken into account by casinos and online casinos when developing their own list of risk transactions required by law.

Guides and more documents

Statistical Information Report – In Spanish only