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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) technology allows users to collect updates from website without having to enter them.
What does RSS consist on?
RSS is a technology based on XML language. Users syndicated to RSS feeds receive files containing the title, a short description and a link to a page that contains updates from a website.
What do I need?
To make use of this technology users need an RSS reader or aggregator which will be responsible for verifying the existence of updates in subscribed websites.
There are several types of RSS readers or aggregators:
- Offline readers: offline readers, some of them free, are installed on computers and other devices. This is the case of Feedreader, RSS Reader, Sharp Reader, Feed Demon, Microsoft Outlook, etc.
- Online readers: online readers require registration in any of the free services available on the internet: Bloglines, Google, etc.
- Readers incorporated in the internet browser: these readers can be configured through the RSS links in Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 7, Safari, etc.
Once the RSS reader or aggregator is chosen and operative, users must subscribe to the selected RSS feeds. Users must copy the links of selected RSS feeds in the RSS reader or aggregator.
RSS feeds by Sepblac
Sepblac currently offers two RSS feeds: